Monday, March 31, 2008

We've Got A Legitimate Reader!

Well, I have officially had my blog read by someone other than close friends and imaginary guests. That's right, the "You Know What, After This, I'm Glad Butler Lost in the NCAA Tournament" struck a chord with at least one person. Unfortunately, I received negative feedback, but at least "Joe" had some input:

"How can you possibly base your judgement on Butler University by what 1 student (of 4400) says? That's pretty sad. Keep up the blogging, you might have a newsworthy story some day. Until then, keep reading 'Kissing Suzy Kolber'. It might be your only brush with literary greatness if your story lines continue to read like this."

Okay, first off, the anti-Butler title I chose was a poor attempt at humor. And for the record, Joe, I actually cheered the Bulldogs on during their game against Tennessee. But there is a problem with your claim: I never made a judgement about Butler anywhere in the post. The closest I came was proclaiming my support for Neal Boortz critical comments of Evan Strange. I will concede that I should have made it clear that while I supported Boortz general argument and found humor in his ripping of Strange, he definitely went too far in criticizing the young man.

But aside from the title of the article, could you point out where I made a judgment call on the university as a whole, Joe? I will keep reading 'Kissing Suzy Kolber,' and I'll also make a point not to comment on their, or anyone else's, articles until I read more than just the title.

Also, as far as my storylines go, I'm curious if you've read more than the Butler post. If you have, I want to thank you (no sarcasm, honestly), but if you haven't, I'd appreciate it if you would at least give a few of them a look-see. I'll even welcome inflammatory comments, because:

1) Many are just random thoughts slopped together in haphazard fashion.


2) I kind of want to make polarizing posts, because I love arguing differing views.

Many thanks for the input and I hope you continue reading future posts.

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