Sunday, October 12, 2008

More Thoughts

--I sincerely hope that TNT was simply testing out those hideous graphics from last night's preseason game between the Suns and Nuggets. Just keep the score box the way it was, guys.

--What's up with the trend of NFL players making plays and then pointing to the back of their jersey. I'm of the opinion that 'ra-ra' shows of team spirit are overrated, and even I think that this is bad. Even Josh Brown, the Rams kicker got in on the action after kicking his game winner.

Monday, October 6, 2008

A Smattering of Thoughts

Quick Thoughts

--OJ Simpson may be a bag of fecal matter, but you cannot convince me that he had a fair trial for his latest transgressions. Should he have a successful appeal, would that make his acquittal for murder the ultimate double jeopardy?

--The Dallas Cowboys are the most discordant, disrespected 4-1 team I think I have ever seen.

--Normally I would be pissed at the Indianapolis Colts receiving the biggest gift of any team in NFL history against the Houston Texans on Sunday, but then I remember this: They are 2-2 with two fluke wins and they are about to hit the rough part of their schedule. Sorry Colts fans, but your team's toast, at least in 2008.

--On a related note, f*** you Sage Rosenfels.

--The SNL sketch "Mark Wahlberg Talks to Animals" might have been the funniest non-political thing I have seen on the show in five years--and that says more about the sketch, not the show.

--The mere fact that Peter King not only likes the show Family Guy, but puts Brian the dog in his top four television characters of all-time makes me question his intellect outside of football.