Monday, October 6, 2008

A Smattering of Thoughts

Quick Thoughts

--OJ Simpson may be a bag of fecal matter, but you cannot convince me that he had a fair trial for his latest transgressions. Should he have a successful appeal, would that make his acquittal for murder the ultimate double jeopardy?

--The Dallas Cowboys are the most discordant, disrespected 4-1 team I think I have ever seen.

--Normally I would be pissed at the Indianapolis Colts receiving the biggest gift of any team in NFL history against the Houston Texans on Sunday, but then I remember this: They are 2-2 with two fluke wins and they are about to hit the rough part of their schedule. Sorry Colts fans, but your team's toast, at least in 2008.

--On a related note, f*** you Sage Rosenfels.

--The SNL sketch "Mark Wahlberg Talks to Animals" might have been the funniest non-political thing I have seen on the show in five years--and that says more about the sketch, not the show.

--The mere fact that Peter King not only likes the show Family Guy, but puts Brian the dog in his top four television characters of all-time makes me question his intellect outside of football.

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