Thursday, May 8, 2008

The Fighter

First off, thanks for absolutely nothing North Carolina. Granted, the poll had 15% undecided, but what exactly happened to the 44%/42% statistic in Hillary Clinton's favor? You pieces of shit.

Secondly, it was a nice come from behind win for her in Indiana, especially considering the gross amount of overspending Barack Obama has practiced in his campaign against her. And while that was nice, the Carolina thing has me bummed out. But I got another boost by the Comeback Kid last night.

Upon hearing all the hack, pro-Obama political pundits that populate the news networks (save Fox News...ironically, they have actually been the most fair and balanced throughout the Democratic nomination process--but only because they hate them both) calling for her withdrawal (she was watching on the plane), Hillary rerouted her plans and decided to continue the campaign immediately. Things may not be the brightest right now, but we haven't heard the last of Hillary Rodham Clinton. Not yet anyway.

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