Sunday, February 17, 2008

Sharp Dressed Man

Two things have transpired over the past couple of weeks…

1) The congressional hearing for Roger Clemens and Brian McNamee


2) Arlen Specter developing a case of douchiness, meeting with Roger Goodell, and then exacerbating the douchiness over the Spy-gate scandal.

…that have allowed this little scenario to pop up in my head:

Imagine if Coach Bill Belichick were asked to testify before congress over the incident involving game tapes. I am praying that this doesn’t get blown out of proportion even more and that we are subjected to another bizarre lovechild of sports and politics (which belong together like Adolf Hitler and Anne Frank). But, should the situation occur, I think it would be humorous to see some of the top ranking Patriots brass march into the congressional chamber, followed by Coach Belichick, donning a hooded sweatshirt with cut-off sleeves. Wouldn’t that be making the absolute best out of a shitty situation?

Here’s to hoping that Specter realizes that Spy-gate is none of his (or any of his constituents’) business and that nothing more is made of the scandal. But on the off chance that it does happen, I will pray like mad to see the hoody make an “unscheduled appearance” (if you will). I’d just love to see the fallout from that.

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