Sunday, January 20, 2008

Did anything big happen while I was gone?

Okay, I'll own up to it, I had my thumb up my ass over the past two months when it has come to writing new posts. I mean, the urge to write has certainly been there (in addition to the regular fare of the major sports, we also had the Patriots continued pursuit of perfection, another choke from the Indianapolis Colts, the Dallas Cowboys getting hosed in their playoff loss, me not being as upset as you would think about the Dallas Cowboys getting hosed in thier playoff loss, the suddenly competitive NBA, the arrival of Andrew Bynum, the temporary departure of Andrew Bynum...the list goes on and on), but I just have not been able to find the time to collect my thoughts and gear myself up for a large entry. As a result, you will more than likely see shorter posts at a more frequent clip, but worry not, there will still be plenty of those me-against-the-world, righteous indignation pieces which set a record for redundancy (yeah David, we get it, you really think Peyton Manning is D-bag). Enjoy.

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